• Phone: 99303 61574 / 75060 00054
  • contact@neotechconsultants.com



Pre - Tendering stage (Phase I)

Tendering ( Phase II)

  • Preparing draft tender document and discussing the same with the society and finally obtaining a go ahead from the society for floating the same.
  • Inviting the tenders from various approved builders/developers, doing the technical evaluation. Preparing comparison statements and submitting the same to the society.
  • To help in conducting joint meeting with the short listed Builders/ Developer along with the committee members and assist the society in finalizing the most suitable developer.
  • Drafting letter of Intent: as per terms negotiated with the selected Developer.
  • Helping society & its solicitor to prepare PADA ( Power of Attorney & Developer Agreement
  • Listing down the requirements of member and coordinating with the design architect for preparing final drawing.
  • Approving the plans prepared by the developer keeping in mind the interest of the society.
  • Verifying submission layout, proposed and its approval.
  • Verifying Submission Building files.
  • Verifying obtained I.O.D. / C.C. etc.

Construction stage ( Phase III)

  • Conducting various soil investigations so as to decide and select the required material or construction techniques at the time actual work of foundation. The cost of test to be borne by the client / developer.
  • Overall co- ordination with the society on technical matter and co-ordination with developer as may be required.
  • Suggesting methodologies to the builder to obtain better quality and long lasting construction.
  • On commencement of the work day to day supervision to monitor the quality of the construction. Visit of structural engineer as and when required.
  • Testing of the material like cement, Sand, concrete etc from reputed laboratories (The cost of testing to be borne by the developer).
  • Submit monthly project progress report to the society indicating the status and progress of work.
  • At the end verifying occupation certificate obtained by the builder. Scrutinizing all society documents before taking possession. Getting the warranties / guarantees from the developer favouring the society. Advising societies to release developer’s Bank Guarantee.